Ask around and you will hear a million accusations about the activist and writer known as Vox Day. One thing he can’t be accused of, however, is being listed on Amazon—at least not anymore. “Don’t expect to find Castalia House books on Kindle anytime soon,” he wrote on his blog on February 18th. He posted a message he apparently received from the site, stating the account was being closed due to “content and/or activities that are in violation of our Terms and Conditions.” Vox claims it was caused by an attempt to publish the Kindle edition of A Throne of Bones. He goes on to note that there was no problem publishing two other Castalia House titles on the platform prior to this incident. Vox reassured his fans, “Amazon’s sales have been irrelevant to us for the last two years,” and he expressed confidence that the publisher will be just fine.
Vox Day Banned on Amazon
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